A variety of complications can arise during probate proceedings. Estate administration can trigger conflict among beneficiaries. In some cases, there may be questions about the conduct of the personal representative or questions about the validity of estate planning...
3 common forms of executor misconduct during probate
An executor or personal representative handles probate proceedings. They secure the assets that belong to the deceased party, initiate probate proceedings in court and share information with interested parties. They also carry out the decedent's last wishes and...
The difference between undue influence and fraud
When someone wants to challenge a will or an estate plan, they need to provide a reason for that challenge. Only certain people are allowed to challenge, and this usually includes beneficiaries or direct descendants. But even these individuals need to demonstrate a...
As the estate executor, do you have to pay your parents’ debts?
When someone drafts an estate plan, they will pick an estate executor or an estate administrator. The documentation from the estate plan tells the administrator what the deceased person wanted to have happened with their assets. But it is up to the administrator to...
When could a sibling unfairly affect a parent’s estate plan?
As people age, their physical capabilities and health often change. Previously independent adults may become dependent on others for their basic daily needs. They may need support following medical instructions or maintaining their homes. In some cases, they require...
Should you have more than just a will?
We don’t like to think about our mortality, but we will inevitably die someday. Many of us have loved ones, and we worry about what will happen to them when we are gone. Many believe a will is sufficient for their needs. However, a comprehensive estate plan can offer...
When can people remove a personal representative from their role?
The personal representative of a Nevada state is the individual technically responsible for overseeing estate administration. Their position requires trust, as they manage and distribute the personal resources of someone else. They need to put their own wishes and...
3 types of taxes often due during estate administration
The process of estate administration in Nevada can be relatively intense. The decedent may have named an executor in their documents, or the probate courts may need to assign a personal representative to manage the estate. That individual must then review the estate...
4 common questions about Nevada’s probate process
Probate is a crucial legal process that most individuals and families navigate following the passing of a loved one. It is designed to oversee the distribution of the deceased individual's assets, settle their outstanding financial obligations and ensure compliance...
Nevada probate basics: what to expect as an executor
If you are named as the executor in your parent's or spouse's estate plan, you are probably honored that they trust you to handle such an important responsibility. At the same time, if you have never served as an executor before, you are facing an unknown and...